Monday, December 20, 2010

Decentered Iris Claw IOL

Basal cell Ca with local spread

This is an advanced case of Basal cell ca with extensive local spread into the orbit and extraocular structures with HORN formation. The management of this case bit difficult and the prognosis is poor. It require total exentration, with radiotherapy and even chemotherapy.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Stye lower lid with celluilitis

Stye is infection and inflammation of Lash follicle due poor local hygiene, which may spread locally, which leads to cellulitis. The treatment is oral and local broad spectrum antibiotic and anti inflammatory drugs.

Congenital ptosis

This is a case of Left eye Congenital ptosis. This results from Neuromuscular abnormality of LPS muscle , which elevates the lid. There are various modalities for the correction of ptosis. If there is no other abnormality in the eye ball, then it can be rectified completely.

Squamous Cell Ca involving lid and lateral canthus

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is less common than Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) but potentially more aggressive and metastasis to regional lymph modes, it has predilection for the lower eyelid and the lid margin and commonly seen in elderly individuals. It occur in light skinned people who are exposed to large amount of total sunlight, thus the amount ultra violet exposure and skin type and color are the most important factors. It appear as crusting erosion and fissures, ulcers are typically shallow red base, sharply defined, indurated, elevated borders. Ulceration in SCC tends to occur than more rapidly BCC.
In the management of SCC, the precautionary majors to use protective clothing and pharmacologic sun-blocking agents should be recommended for all patient with a history of precancerous or cancerous skin lesions. complete surgical excision of lesion with frozen control is the mainstay of the treatment, with if required Radiation therapy, Cryotherapy or Chemotherapy may be required as adjunct therapy. In patient with local metastasis to local areas may require orbital exenteration with poor prognosis.


The entropion is inrolling of lid margin along with eye lashes which rubs over the cornea. this causes extreme discomfort to the patient. this requires surgical correction by various techniques described in the literature. commonly done procedures are, Jones procedure with Lateral tarsal strip, depending upon the horizontal lid laxity.

Trichiatic Lash

The misdirection of eye lashes toward the cornea is trichiasis. It causes rubbing on the cornea leads to corneal irritation and abrasion. treatment is temporary removal as epilation or permanent removal by electrolysis.